Wife of the late Prince Dimitri Romanovitch Romanoff,
born Countess Dorrit Reventlow on 22 April 1942 in Recife, Brazil, related to the Royal Family of Denmark.
Honorary President

H.H. Princess Feodora Alexeevna Romanoff
H.H. Princess Feodora Alexeevna Romanoff
Wife of the late Prince Dimitri Romanovitch Romanoff,
born Countess Dorrit Reventlow on 22 April 1942 in Recife, Brazil, related to the Royal Family of Denmark.
H.S.H. Prince George Alexandrovitch Yourievsky
Great grandson of Emperor Alexander II and Princess Ekaterina Dolgoruki. Grandson of Prince Georgij Yurievsky and Countess Alexandra of Zarkenau née Princess Oldenburg, he was born on 8 December 1961 in St. Gallen, Switzerland, and lives near Zurich.
Prince Dimitri Schakhovskoy
President of the Union of Russian Nobility (UNR)
Professor at the St. Sergius Institute of Orthodox Theology in Paris.... ..... .... .. ...... ... ..... .... .. ...... ... ..... .... .. ...... ... ..... .... .. ...... ..... .... .. ...... ... ..... .... .. ...... ... ..... .... .. .....
Prince Alexander Troubetzkoï
PPresident of the Franco-Russian Alliance and of the Union for the Remembrance of the Imperial Guard.
Count Pierre Chérémetieff
President of the Russian Musical Society in France, former rector of the Serge-Rachmaninoff Russian Conservatory in Paris.
Mrs Lydia Fedorovna Places
Died on 1 March 2010 in Nice. Born in the first Russian emigration, she animated with faith and passion the daily life of the Russian cathedral of Nice.
Baron Eduard von Falz-Fein
Patron and great friend of Russia, died on 19 November 2018. His grandfather, a general in the Russian Army, lived in Nice in the 1920's. His mother, Vera Epanschin, had three admirals and a general in her lineage.
Pierre de Fermor
Member of the Union of Russian Nobility
Member of the Association for the Remembrance of the Russian Imperial Guard
Member of the Club of Saint Petersburg
Natalia Marzoeva
President of the festival
«The Seasons of Franco-Russian Gastronomy »
Alexander Tschyrkow
Vice president
President of Multitech Associates
Christian Frizet
President of the Franco-Russian linked Association
Nikita Ionnikof
Archpriest Andreï Eliséev
Rector of the Cathedral and permanent member of the ACRN Council
Elena Berbon
Vice-President of the Franco-Russian linked Association
Elizaveta Lovering
Founder-Manager of "Monaco Translations"
Sworn Translator-Interpreter before the Court of Appeal of Monaco.
Deputy Secretary-General of the Club of Foreign Residents of Monaco. President of the C.T.I.M. of Monaco.
«The Seasons of Franco-Russian Gastronomy »
Count Serge Kapnist
President of the Russian Red Cross A.O.
Vice President of the UNR
Ivan Kourdukoff
President of the association
« Remembrance and Safeguarding of the Russian Cemetery of Caucade in Nice » de Caucade à Nice »
Richard Bilir
President of MBI International
H.H. Prince Nicholas Romanovitch Romanoff
Former Dean of the Imperial House of Russia, born on September 26, 1922 in Antibes. He was the great-grandson of Emperor Nicholas I of Russia and the son of Prince Roman Petrovitch and Countess Prascovia Dimitrievna Cheremetieff. On 21 January 1952 he married Countess Zveva della Gherardesca, daughter of Count Walfredo della Gherardesca and Marquise Nicoletta de Picolellis, in the Russian church in Cannes. He had three children, Natalia, Elisabeth and Tatiana.
H.H. Prince Dimitri Romanovitch Romanoff
Brother of Prince Nicholas Romanovitch Romanoff born on 4 March 1926 in Antibes. On 28 July 1993, he married Countess Dorrit Reventlow, who became Princess Feodora Romanoff, in Kostroma (the city where Michael of Russia, the first Tsar of the Romanoff dynasty, was crowned).